Thursday 2 November 2023

Note from the VSC President

Note from VSC President
As the season shifts into autumn, we are now fully engaged in our indoor program. A lot of effort and time has gone into making this an interesting and valuable opportunity for our members, so please thank Bonnie and Terri often as they work hard to develop this program for us!
The Show Committee is now very active with planning for next year’s VSC Art Show to be held at Glenlyon Norfolk School. Please consider what role you can play in making this the best show ever.
It never ceases to amaze me as I look around on a Tuesday and see members engaging with one another - giving suggestions, encouraging one another and generally supporting your fellow artist. This is what our community of VSC is all about -- the people -- and the richness of experience, talents and ability, bringing out the best in each other. Carry on!  
Gillian Rhodes
VSC President