VSC Schedule

Updated Program 2024


The Victoria Sketch Club will soon be embarking on its Summer 2024 Plein Air Season.
All site meetings will take place Tuesdays, 10 am – 12 noon unless otherwise noted. For greater information regarding detailed site locations, please see Rand's Email on Part 3 of the Summer sessions which will be mail to members. 

It's sad to see the daylight hours slowly getting shorter, and that September is looming on the horizon. However much enjoyment is still to be realized when everyone gets together on our outings....
July 30 - Starling Lane Vineyard
August 6 - Bowker Creek (Oak Bay)
August 13 - Beaver Lake (Saanich)
August 20 - Esquimalt Gorge Park / Japanese Gardens and Pavilion
August 27 - Mount Doug Park and End of Summer Picnic

A short reminder re: each Tuesday’s painting site will be e-mailed a few days in advance.

See you en plein air!

Rand Harrison
En plein air Director

Any questions?  Email victoriasketchclub@gmail.com for times and location!

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